lunedì 19 aprile 2010


Come ormai é d'abitudine da poco più di due settimane, Natalia tramite il suo twitter, ci fornisce delle informazioni personali denominate "Kills Fact". ecco quelle di oggi:

Kills Fact 026: My favorite city is Paris

Kills Fact 027: I didn't understand "the box" (the movie) did you guys?

Kills Fact 028: my real name is Natalia Cappuccini

Kills Fact 029: If i was a comic book character I'd be a vigilante villain... not the hero... and not the victim!

Kills Fact 030: I like my name. I hate "nat" and "natalie"!!... "KILLS" is great though...

Kills Fact 031: I turned all my barbies into alley punks and played street fighter after school...

Kills Fact 032: If i could live an hour as someone else it would have been Salvador Dali

Kills Fact 033: When i grow up i'm gona have a 1972 corvette in black

Kills Fact 034: To say i have a crush on Prince is an understatement. He makes my love grenade explode!

Kills Fact 035: I'm obsessed with vintage photo booths...

Se volete scoprire anche i kills facts precedenti visitate il forum italiano cliccando QUI

Stay Tuned
Love kills, xx

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